Friday, 31 October 2014

Santa Claus is out

I wrote a 300 words fiction with Etisalat Nigeria and i want everyone to read and drop comments.

The sudden accident that rendered my face unrecognizable was reported quite sanitary in the news. “A boy knocked down a lady in front of the motherless baby home. Doctors at the university teaching hospital report condition critical but stable”. It did not report the pending death for a proposed marriage of the lady which was just a month ahead.
                That was 7 months ago and my physical appearance has made little progress. I live a recluse with no outside contact. Shop online for everything. I never answer my door, but today I am making an exception. Today is Christmas. What a fitting day for me to socialize for my debut. I long for human contact. My courtyard turned to a garden with Christmas three and a big father Christmas teddy written on it “pick one candy”. I hear footsteps and giggling as children clamor, I crack the door and peek to see their ages. This group is young. The bell rings. I take a deep breath answered via the window, a little girl, wearing a mask “Hi Santa” I speak in a softness not to scare “Aren’t you beautiful today.” She stares at her feet and shakes her head, “no.” “Yes, you are.” My voice gaining composure “you’re Santa and the most beautiful girl in the world.” She pulled the mask. Her face disfigured as if from a fire. “Well, I think you are beautiful, darling.” Her eyes connect with mine. “thank you”. She turns and ran to her mum. I nod my head and gave them a wave.

                The next morning I hear my bell ring. I try to ignore it, but I heard a voice saying it’s the mask girl and her mum. I piped and it was the woman from last night with her daughter without the mask, the mother says in a faltering voice “Neska said she wanted to meet you, this is her first time outside without her mask”. I opened the door and for the first time in 7 months invite someone into my life.

Thursday, 30 October 2014


Lately I’ve found myself being drawn to the plight of corps members. Maybe it’s because I would soon serve and I have recently met some people who passed out of the scheme and there stories have impacted me positively and I wouldn't want myself or  anyone to make same mistakes they made.
      Whatever your view of NYSC is, the fact remains that is a necessary evil that every graduate has to face. I’m not here to bash the NYSC scheme; I think it was a great idea that got lost in translation as our society evolved. I want to address something that I find very worrisome amongst corps members. It is the lack of a solid game plan. Some may be wondering why a game plan is needed to serve your country. I’m sorry to be the one to inform you; if you do not have a game plan for NYSC, you will end up wasting one year of this precious life that you have, only the wise ones make the most of it.The people implementing the NYSC scheme presently are clueless with regards to the needs of graduates. If you are unlucky, you will get posted to a local government office where your brain will increasingly get retarded due to lack of stimulating and challenging tasks. Let’s not forget to mention the bureaucracy and corruption that are located at strategic points within the scheme to ensure that you are frustrated till the point that you become disillusioned about Nigeria as a whole.
      There’s good news however. With a well thought out plan made ahead of time, you can survive the NYSC scheme and not only will you end up being a better person when you finish serving; you will also make positive impact. “What does this plan involve”, you ask. It’s quite straightforward to be honest. You first need to do a personal assessment of where you are and where you want to get to. This is especially important for people who have little or no experience in the corporate world. For example, if you want to work in accounting firms after you finish serving you need to find out the steps you need to take to achieve that dream. The worst mistake you can make is to wait until a month till you pass out before you start thinking about this. It might be a little bit too late at that point. Back to my example, you may want to consider taking the ICAN or ACCA exams. Do your research on what it will take to do this then plan towards it. Put down a feasible time when you can begin. If you are not posted to an accounting firm, you could volunteer to be an intern in an accounting firm close to you to build up your experience, like am presently doing at MSH. Forget about the money they will pay you for now. If you have to work for free, then do it. The experience you will gain is more valuable than the meager stipend you will collect every month. The next thing is to evaluate your skill bank. What skills do you have currently? What skills do you need that you don’t currently have? I love learning new skills so I’m always on the lookout for avenues to learn something new. Your service year is a great time to gain new skills. For most people, they have a lot of time on their hands when they are serving. If you don’t plan properly, you will waste this time. Learning a skill will not necessarily cost a fortune, depending on the kind of skill. A lot of people offer discounts to corps members. Take advantage of these. If you like to cook, enroll for culinary classes, if u can’t drive, go to a driving school or get someone to teach u, if u are fortunate to be serving in sokoto u can reach me @youngzani on twitter and I would help teach u. Take a management course. Whatever it is, just make sure you make meaningful deposits to your skill bank.
      As imperfect as the scheme is, it provides an opportunity for you to set the course of your career and lay the foundation for future business relationships. Only the wise makes the most of this.                                                    
     Maleeks Elisha .......

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Money never sleeps so I wake up as early as 6am everyday to mama's call for morning devotion. Men ought to always pray and not faint, a deliberate YES to JESUS makes life worth living, knowing for me to live is Christ and to die is gain
          Not to bug u with the type of food I eat at breakfast cuz it might not interest all, they say one man's food is another man's poison Buh we are all Nigerians so lets try to eat delicacies from other cultures even as we celebrate a new dawn. I still believe there is HOPE for this nation, if only we can get the first and last letter in the word HOPE who is dedicated to the cause for change. As we celebrate I still believe there is light at the end of the tunnel if only we have the right eyes to see
       The journey so far has been piloted by "great men'' who were dedicated to the furtherance of their political ideology to the detriment of the poor masses, and These had only helped to drag the nation a million steps backwards.....there is HOPE.
     Education is a viable tool for development in every country they say!. We are forced to go through school for 9-6-4 making it 19yrs or more of western education and still our youths would end up unemployed, I still feel education is necessary for development but what happens to this viable tool after all these year's and finding a payed job ain't viable ?.......There is HOPE 
        I don't want to write on the insurgency,I reserve it as a story for another day. I go out everyday and all I see is the poor oppressing the poor, boys recruited by politicians killing innocent souls for meager amounts to buy hard drugs and these people forget them when they get to the so called positions. The so called uniform men payed montly by the federal government still wants a bribe from the bike taxi men. prices are now been inflated in the name of ceremonies to be celebrated. Where have we gone wrong? .......There is HOPE.
         Writing from my bed and sweating hoping that light is restored so I can have a peaceful night. Governments come and go and all we get is empty promises about light in this nation. If we had constant electricity investors would pump this country and help reduce unemployment from the number of people they would employ.... ...There is HOPE 
    I can go on nd on writing about the problems in this nation but we all know them even better than I do, all we need now is a lasting solution to all these setbacks. Anticipate my writing on HOPE  as this gives u the mindset that there is still hope for this nation .... Thanks 

Maleeks Elisha


With all the peculiarities inherent in this nation , successive Nigerian governments have done very little, to say the least. Nigerians are  very religious people with deep rooted God based attribution system, which has not transformed them into honest and law abiding people and nation. The evidence clearly shows that the more religious Nigeria became, the more corrupt the government, the higher the rate of crime and worse the country. This can be measured by the number of churches and mosques in Nigeria which has a direct correlation with the worsening Nigerian society. This relationship between religion and deterioration of Nigeria can no longer be ignored. It would seem that religion is perpetuating ignorance, poverty through exploitation, underdevelopment, prejudice and intolerance in ways that are not helping the development of a culture of honesty, tolerance, peaceful co-existence. Therefore, Nigeria cannot develop, if it does not break the hold that religion and toxic ethnic nationalism have on the minds of the people and enable them develop a balanced moral attitude that ensures the rightful place of God in their lives. Nigerians must be set free to question their religious beliefs and orthodoxies and understand their religious prejudices, and allow knowledge to inform whatever they choose to believe or think about others and the transident. This is enlightenment. Without it, we will continue to grope in darkness of ignorance, irrational religious dogmas, traditional beliefs, self-consuming greed and magical thinking. 
           We will have to enforce the existing Nigerian secular constitution and ensure freedom of thoughts, beliefs and expression. The idea that people offend by expression of their thoughts, would be abolished in the new Nigeria. The new Nigeria would Train and equipe the security forces to crack down in lawful ways and manners, on religious intolerance and bigotry in any form or shape. Encourage Christians and Muslims to establish Christian and Islamic association to look at religious tolerance and beliefs and relationship between faith and science in a way that would enable Nigeria develop, without being poisoned by religious intolerance and self-induced and perpetuating ignorance in the name of faith. Without this, religion that teaches the western education is sin will continue to ground and Nigeria would be consumed in religious conflict like Afghanistan and Pakistan, while the rest of the world moves on. Nigeria should pursue moral values and principles founded on the time tested wisdom of good religions. 
           One of the greatest dieses is to be nobody to anybody, on our part as individuals we can also help reduce poverty. If you can't feed hundred people then feed one person. Strength does not come from physical capacity; it comes from an indomitable will. Whatever u do will be insignificant but it is very important that u do it, to give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing to pray. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself In the service of others. Hope is when what u think, say and do are in harmony, an eye for an eye would only make the whole world blind. 
           No country can have peace and development, if it does not have effective and sustainable ways of creating jobs for its young people who graduate from its various institutions and training programmes. In this wise, the new Nigeria would priorities sustainable job creation. The strategy would be to open up the economy, encourage creativity, entrepreneurship and provide assistance to the people in a fair and equitable manner. In this wise, the government will create more jobs in the health, financial, construction, and legal professions for many other professionals and clearly define the roles of professionals to avoid diffusion of roles and ensure that other people other than the professionals benefit from the sector. For instance the health sector should create more jobs for, economists, administrators, health secretaries, accountants, lawyers, architects, engineers and ICT specialists, in addition to health care professionals. In the legal profession minimum standard should be set for the opening of chambers that would require a law practice to employ a minimum number of people and have a minimum number of lawyers to operate. The same will be applicable to other professionals. This alone, will create millions of jobs for young graduates who are currently roaming the streets. With the granting of university autonomy, change of land use act, restoration of state funded education and social investments, the economy would be given the need boost to generate and sustain growth. In addition, the government will embark on the development of rail transport in Nigeria to link all the regions and national capital will provide more jobs in the transport sector than Nigerians can fill, kick starting the emergency of Nigeria as a true economic power. This can only happen, if those who know how it can be done are elected into office, which is the reason why, Nigerians should allow the quality, content and plausibility of the manifestos and plans to solve the Nigerian problems of the parties or candidates, to determine who is voted into office. Nothing will change in Nigeria, as long as Nigerians continue to determine those elected as leader, on the basis of ethnicity, religion and wealth alone. In 2015, Nigerians should cast their votes for honest Nigerians, who have better plan and manifestos, irrespective of their religion or ethnicity. 
         Victory will come either peacefully by the powers that will be listening to the wisdom of history and reason, or violently because they made peaceful change impossible. This freedom is not only possible in a nation of one’s ethnic group. It is possible in a multi-ethnic Nigeria. It is important to understand that the reasons why those who fought for the overthrow of colonization in Africa appeal to ethnicity and religion to rally the people against the colonial masters, no longer exists. In this post-colonial struggle, we cannot afford but emphasize what divides us because victory depends on unity. It is a struggle for universal values, which are not limited by ethnic boundaries or religious convictions. It is a struggle for what makes us human and we must unite to win.The fight for a better Nigeria can't be fought successfully under ethnic and religious banners, to do so is to lose even before the battle begins. 

          Nigerians must unite or perish. If a slave swears that he's no longer a slave then he's delivered of slavery. There is still hope if only we can stand to it and do what is right. I would drop my pen as I give u the needed space to ponder even as 2015 is on the corner. Thanks 

Maleeks Elisha......