Sunday 25 August 2019


Our plan is simple. We are here to help you build your home business as an entrepreneur, make residual income and connect you to God's divine plan and purpose for your life.
Everyone wants to be financially free, but have no good platform for it. The customised Longrich marketing plan, provides a business platform to realize everyone dream, as long as he/she is PERSISTENT pursuing in this platform, and will succeed”. Xu Zhiwei (Chairman of Longrich)
No other industry on earth creates as many millionaires as Network Marketing. Not real estate, not insurance, not the legal profession. NO OTHER INDUSTRY.” SUCCESS Magazine
If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support others in achieving their big dreams, then the network marketing business is definitely a business for you. You can start your business part-time at first and then as your business grows, you can help other people start their part-time business. This is a value worth having – a business and people who help others make their dreams come true.” Robert T. Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur and Author
Network Marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.” Robert T. Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur and Author
Longrich Worldwide Compensation Plan - 4 Bonuses, 3 Incentives (All bonuses are paid in US Dollars but are converted into the local currency for each Country)
1. Bonus # 1: Performance Bonus Highest paying of all four bonuses. Here, your earnings depend on your entry level(between 8-12%). Replicate yourself into three by introducing and registering only 3 people (designated A,B and C) into the business Activities in each of these 3 legs (A,B and C) are summed up at the end of each week You are paid from the 2 legs with the least PVs while the company takes the highest leg to run the system. Illustration, assuming you accumulated the following PVs on each of the 3 legs weekly Leg A- 3000PV Leg B- 1000PV Leg C- 2000PV PB = PV on 2 smaller legs multiplied by PB percentage i.e. VIP/Platinum is 12%. PB for WEEK 1 = (1000+2000)*12 = 3000*12 = $360 = N72,000 ($360 * N200 exchange rate) NOTE: All the PVs brought in by each downline at every level accumulates and becomes yours! This is how you grow, you don’t have to buy and sell to get more points to grow! It is necessary that everyone works to balance his/her 3 legs, spread out PVs evenly on the 3 legs, don't overload a leg with too many people to the detriment of other legs. Constantly spread out the people to spread out PVs cause people generate PVs. A weak leg you work on can become strong.
2. Bonus # 2: Development Bonus Here you get paid for developing your team. You may be paid for more than one generation each week depending on the team’s development that week. 10% flat weekly on the two highest PVs per level on the bonus legs At any level, people under A, B or C are summed up as 1 leg and paid 10% of the sum of PVs in the two highest legs every week. Note that Development Bonus cannot be earned on PVs less than 240PV hence, cannot be earned on Q-Silver registration except the person upgrades.
3. Bonus # 3: Leadership Bonus Payable to Leaders above 1-Diamond Level 10% - 45% on all your Levels up to the 12th Generation You are paid 10% of your first generation’s performance bonus at any level each week and 5% of your second generation’s. Eg if A earns 50k from performance bonus , you get 5k. If B gets 500K from performance bonus, you get 50k. if C gets 100k, you get 10k. your leadership bonus for that week will be 65k. N/B - A lot of people miss out on this bonus because they fail to make the 30PV monthly repeat/retail order cycle required by Diamond 3 and above. You qualify for this bonus by making a repeat/retail order of items worth at least 30PVs ( 4. Bonus # 4: Repeat/Retail Order Bonus By purchasing a repeat/retail order bonus of30PV and above within every cycle entitles you to the following bonuses: A. 15 LEVELS MATRIX BONUS (PLACEMENT TREE): Do you know that you earn $1.35 (4.5%) on every repeat/retail orders for 30PV and above done by all your successlines within your 15 levels in your placement tree! Apart from qualifying your Diamond 3s and above to earn their leadership bonus, the more the number of people in your team that do their 30PV, the greater your 15 levels matrix repeat order bonus. For example, if only 1000 of your team members each do only 30pv you will earn 1000 * 1.35= $1350 $1350* N200 = N270,000 B.BREAK AWAY RETAIL ORDER BONUS (SPONSOR TREE): You earn a whooping 21% to 45% on all personal retail orders you do depending on the volume of the orders and on repeat/retail orders above 30PV done by your team. We have 2 other different types of repeat/retail order bonuses that you will get to know about during the course of working the business. In conclusion repeat and retail orders are GOLDMINES not known by many, encourage everybody in your team to do their 30PV repeat/retails orders every cycle and watch your earnings increase above your imagination!
5. Incentive # 1: Platinum VIP Incentive - Monthly Sharing of 1% of Worldwide PV. Registering or upgrading to Platinum VIP (1680PV), qualifies you to earn 1% of the worldwide share of all VIP which is based on the work you do per month and is worth $90/point.
6. Incentive # 2: Diamond Worldwide Incentive - 2.5% (Travel 1%, Car 1%, House 0.5%) Qualifying as a 4-Diamond (15,000PV) entitles you to an all expense paid luxury trip abroad in a 5* hotel, feeding and transportation etc Qualifying as a 5-Diamond (75,000PV) and 6-Diamond (225,000PV) entitles you to an all expense paid luxury trip abroad in a 5* hotel, feeding, transportation and a brand new car (latest version for the year) Qualifying as a 7-Diamond (450,000PV) entitles you to an all expense paid luxury trip abroad in a 5* hotel, feeding, transportation and a brand new SUV (latest version for the year)
7. Incentive # 3: Star Director Worldwide Incentive. Qualifying as a Star Director (Star Director 1-5) entitles you to an all expense paid luxury trip abroad in a 5* hotel, feeding, transportation, a brand new SUV (latest version for the year), 4 years Masters degree in Business & Innovation in USA, all expense Scholarship for undergraduate study at Soochow University, China for yourself or a person you nominate and an opportunity to have a franchise with Longrich in their other business operations FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON LONGRICH AND REGISTRATION WHATSAPP/CALL: 08035004637

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Created To Last Forever 2

When someone dies, we sometime think it’s unnatural and unfair even though we know that everyone will eventually die; that is because God has wired our brains that way and planted eternity in our hearts. God didn’t create us to come and die in one day; He made us in His own image to live forever. Our lives here on earth is a preparation for eternity, everything here is temporal; that’s why Paul said: I once thought all this things are so important, but I now consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. To make the most of eternity, is to consider everything here worthless and start preparing for it. Your earthly body is just a temporary residence of your spirit; when you die it’s not the end of you, but a transition to eternity. The bible says: eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered the heart of anyone what God has planned for those who love Him. When you live in light of eternity, your values change. You will start putting little attention to wealth, achievement, trend, fashion and fun, investing more of your time in building relationship and character as this life is a preparation for the next. God has a purpose for your life on earth, but it doesn’t end here. His plans involves far more than the few decades you will spend on this planet. It’s more than the opportunity of a lifetime; God offers you an opportunity beyond your lifetime. The bible says God’s plans endure forever; His purposes last eternally. Just as the nine months you spent in your mothers womb was a preparation for this life, so is this life a preparation for eternity. If you have a relationship with God through Jesus, you don’t have to fear death. It is the door to eternity. It will be the last hour of your time on earth, but it won’t be the last of you. Rather a birthday into eternal life. This world is not our home; we are looking forward to our everlasting home in heaven. A slogan once said we should live each day of our lives as if it is the first day, but it would be wiser to live each day as if it were the last day of our lives. Here is a question: since I am made to last forever, what is that one thing I should stop doing and that one thing I should start doing?

Thursday 4 August 2016


Over time we get to know people better and discover who they really are. Giving it time says a lot of things and spares us mistakes we might have made if we rushed into a relationship. Recently I met a lady and it was all on me that she was the one and all that. You get to know the true colour of people when you relate over a period of time. Some say Love is blind but for me it’s not so at all. Love can be blind only when you rush into the relationship and later discover the incompatibility of the both of you. Meeting people for the first time can be all rosy until you later discover the character of the person, I used to say I will get married to a tall beautiful light skinned lady, but I have come to discover it is not about the height, skin colour or beauty; character sustains you in the relationship. A beautiful lady with no character will only lead you to regrets, no matter how beautiful she might look. I once heard a preacher say; if you have been praying to God for a blessing/miracle and it’s not forthcoming, check yourself you have PRIDE. I have also seen a write up by a scholar saying; a woman that begins to feel like the man of the house will one day find herself in a house without a man. Pride makes one not to be submissive to the other partner and men are naturally the figure heads and won’t give in to any woman’s ego. So many ladies say they can’t be obedient to men they are yet to marry and end up not getting married, because the Love of some men like me has eyes to see, brain to reason, ears to hear, legs to run if need be. A lot of things would attract you to a lady, and it also takes a lot of things to keep you attracted or running from that lady. Character and I repeat consistent good character drives a relationship. In as much as you want to tolerate people, be sure it’s to the level you can endure even inside the relationship, if not give it time and be sure to make a wise decision. I have learnt my lessons, and I am sharing with you just so you won’t make same mistakes. Not all that glitters is gold says an adage; Love has eyes, ears, nose, brain, and legs use them if need be.

Thursday 14 July 2016


Time management is very important. Time is a very important resource; more valuable than money. What have you been doing with your time all this while? A philosopher by the name Galileo once said; you cannot teach someone anything, if that person doesn’t have an idea of what you want to teach him. Time can be point back to the cradle of civilization 300 BC. Everyone has a time either on their phone, silver, rubber or a gold platted wristwatch. We virtually use time everyday of our lives; tho poorly managed. I would share some hints that would help us manage our time better.

Most people are into government jobs where they resume work at 8, do nothing throughout the working hours and close by 4. The 804 syndrome has not only slowed the economy but we as individuals and employees. The system in Nigeria especially is not working, but you as an individual what are you doing in your bit to not only make things better, but to better yourself. I would advice someone reading this write-up to get something doing if he/she is in a government organisation that they resume work by 8, do nothing and close by 4 and still collect their salaries LOL. Try building your portfolio in those wasted work hours. Take up online courses, read books, take an hour everyday to thinks of ideas to better the organisational system and yourself. Some say they don’t have time. Many Nigerians holding reasonable positions don’t even turn on the news or read papers. You can imagine asking your representative about an ongoing issue in the country and he would tell you he doesn’t know because he is too busy working or so. Great men like Mark Zuckerberg the owner of facebook said in his New Year resolution that, he would be committed to reading two books monthly and meeting new people every day. If busy people like him can still spare time, why not you? It only takes a deliberate decision. GF Kennedy once said we must visit the moon. Years later this happened through commitment and time dedication; this is to tell you how important time is. If you declare and work, there is nothing impossible. If you can read and you don’t read, you are worst than an illiterate.

Why do you need to manage time? Well it’s simply to do more than you are doing already. Planning and organisation; when you plan for 1 minute, you have saved 9 minutes of implementing. Principle of trivial many and vital few by Fred Pareto; solving the most challenging task first, before solving the less important/challenging task. Some people want to solve easy task first and end up not being able to solve the hard ones. There are also behavioral requirements in time management. Delegation of authority and listening to people before you speak saves a lot of time of bad decision making that would take time to amend. Everyone’s idea is important; Polaroide was discovered from an 8 year old question. Always appreciate and encourage people, it helps them to do better. Your health also needs over time management, nutrition is key; eat both sweet and bitter fruits, not for the taste but for the nutritional value. Good family life is also very important. Have time for your family, don’t get too busy now and regret lots of time trying to mend things; observe your family leisure and get pleasure. In conclusion I would like to share a schematic method of time management by D. Eisenhover

Due soon
Not due
Not important

Wednesday 27 April 2016


There is a popular saying that, HIV NO DEY SHOW FOR FACE; well so is religion. You can’t just see people and conclude on their faith based on their looks, dressing, tribe or accents. I go to a lot of places and I keep getting that comment that “you look like a Muslim” or I thought you were a Muslim because of how you dress. This has kept reoccurring and I felt I should write something on it.
            The faith one belongs to cannot be shown on a dress except for priests because they have a particular dressing code. People see me on kaftan, the normal Hausa man attire and run into conclusion that I am a Muslim, because they have held unto the notion that northerners are all Muslims. Dressing can be attached to ones cultural background and not faith. When you came into the world, your first identity is the home you were born into, this gives you a native and a religion because you were still a baby, but as you grow you can change to other religions but you cannot change your tribe. The next time you see someone dressed in cultural attire, don’t run into conclusions of faith, because it has nothing to do with natives. The same way one can decide to dress in any other cultural attire and you can’t conclude that he is from that particular ethnic group. Religion is not in looks, rather a man’s heart.  
            The most pressing one is the attribution of beards to Islam. Well Islam might have something to do with beards but that doesn’t mean that anyone that keeps long beards is a Muslim. I love beards so much that I don’t care what people say about how long my beards are; sometimes it feels like belonging to a beard gang is there is anything like that LOL. People keep beards because they look finer with beards or because they want to look older than their age, and a lot of other reasons best known to them.

            After my first conversation with some people in my native language Hausa; I keep getting that I thought you were a Muslim from the way your Hausa is fluent. Sorry not all Hausa people are Muslims; there are a lot of Hausa Christians, same way there are lots of Muslims in the South and east. Ones belonging to a particular faith is choice, as every single Nigerian has right to freedom of faith. You tribe doesn’t not define your religion; you grow to know your fundamental human right and attach yourself to a faith that best befit you.  Accents might point out your roots but not your fruits.

Saturday 26 March 2016


He was beaten, spitted on, dragged 
naked, pierced and hung on the cross 
like a thief for you and me

He had the power to resist the Romans 
from torturing Him but because he loved 
us, He suffered and died just for
you and me

we have been liberated from destruction
we have free access to the holy of holies
we are now called His own, how sweet 
and wonderful, for me and you

Death couldn’t hold Him, Christ is risen, 
the earth trembles the Lord rains in me 
and you

Behold how beautiful and pleasant it is 
for brethren to gather together as one, 
for Christ died for you and me

Greater and mightier things than he did 
has he given us power to do, because 
we are called his, yea me and you

Wallowed away in sin, we were set free
and free indeed hallelujah to the Lord 
God of host, without Christ there
Will be no me and you

Friday 25 March 2016


“Good Friday” instead of “Bad Friday” or something similar? Some Christian traditions do take this approach: in German, for example, the day is called Karfreitag or “Sorrowful In English, in fact, the origin of the term “Good” is debated, some believe it developed from an older name, “God’s Friday.” Regardless of the origin, the name Good Friday is entirely appropriate because the suffering and death of Jesus, as terrible as it was, marked the dramatic culmination of God’s plan to save his people from their sins.
In order for the good news of the gospel to have meaning for us, we first have to understand the bad news of our condition as sinful people under condemnation. The good news of deliverance only makes sense once we see how we are enslaved. Another way of saying this is that it is important to understand and distinguish between law and gospel in Scripture. We need the law first to show us how hopeless our condition is; then the gospel of Jesus’ grace comes and brings us relief and salvation
In the same way, Good Friday is “good” because as terrible as that day was, it had to happen for us to receive the joy of Easter. The wrath of God against sin had to be poured out on Jesus, the perfect sacrificial substitute, in order for forgiveness and salvation to be poured out to the nations. Without that awful day of suffering, sorrow, and shed blood at the cross, God could not be both “just and the justifier” of those who trust in Jesus (Romans 3:26) Paradoxically, the day that seemed to be the greatest triumph of evil was actually the deathblow in God’s gloriously good plan to redeem the world from bondage.
The cross is where we see the convergence of great suffering and God’s forgiveness. Psalms 85:10 sings of a day when “righteousness and peace” will “kiss each other.” The cross of Jesus is where that occurred, where God’s demands, his righteousness, coincided with his mercy. We receive divine forgiveness, mercy, and peace because Jesus willingly took our divine punishment, the result of God’s righteousness against sin. “For the joy set before him” (Hebrews 12:2) Jesus endured the cross on Good Friday, knowing it led to his resurrection, our salvation, and the beginning of God’s reign of righteousness and peace. We now have access to the holy of holies. The priest can now stand on the alter and preach because the curtains separating us from God was torn. Good Friday marks the day when wrath and mercy met at the cross. As dark as it was; it was really a good day!