Wednesday, 10 February 2016


When driving a car, nail or throwing a basket ball, we are guiding, controlling and directing it at that time. We are driven by so many things in our lives like; fear, guilt, anger, materialism, self actualization, family pressure and many more.
            Some people are driven by guilt. Many a times we are tied to things we’ve done in the past and remain stagnant. It is true we are products of our past, but we are not prisoners of our past. The more we attach ourselves to our past, the more we tend not to move forward and accomplish our purpose here on earth. We can see how Moses moved from obscurity to being a leader by the mercy of God, and Gideon from a weak person to a hero.
 Many people are driven by fear; it could be fear of failure, fear of loosing our jobs and it could lead us to loosing our main purpose in life. There is also the fear from family pressure and friends. We are so concerned about what our family or friends would say about us; in fact it is the reason why many choose prestigious careers and we are so busy trying to be successful, just to please our friends and family. I don’t know so many keys to success but one key to failure is trying to please everyone.
Everyone wants to become something in life (self actualization), many are focused on what they would be remembered for; but I tell you riches and superseded, records are broken, obituaries are forgotten. After you die, it only takes a little time and everyone forgets about you. What we should be conscious of is not what humans would remember or say about us, but what God would remember us for and the purpose for which he has created us.
A life with a purpose has focus. When you focus a lens to the sun towards a particular direction, you can see the intensity of the ray, if you even direct it to a paper it would catch fire. When we live a purposeful life, we won’t be focused on every important thing but we would have focus on only what God has brought us here on earth to do and it is through that way alone that we would shine.

 A life with purpose has ease. When you live a purposeful life, it would come with plenty of ease because you have identified you purpose on earth; so you would be focused on what you are here for with less distractions. Earthly things are temporal, we should be very conscious of eternity. When we meet with the Lord there would be two important questions to be answered. WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY SON? Jesus said; I am the way, truth and light, no one comet to the father except through me. Have you acknowledged this fact and given you life to Christ? The second question is: WHAT DID YOU DO WITH WHAT I GAVE YOU? God has embedded different gifts in us to use for his purpose, have you identified those gifts and potentials and directed them right yet? The first question would determine our place in eternity and the second would determine what we would be doing in eternity.

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